Virtual and Augmented Reality and theme parks

The Virtual Reality is one of the new attraction of Italian and foreign theme parks. If we insert this new tools in the theme parks we can notice that it is a method to make good use of the technology innovations and we can meet the expectations of visitors, in this way we can convince them to return. A lot of theme parks have adopted the Virtual Reality, like Disney park, Mirabilandia, Gardaland and Californian group called Six Flags. It is a really immersion in the Virtual Reality: visitors wear a viewer and they are into imaginary worlds.



The Void: the amusement park project

The Void is an amusement park project, it was created by a company in the Usa and it has as its objective to expand all over the world; currently, the company has 11 office in four country. The objective is to integrate the normal activities of the parks with Virtual and Augmented Reality. But for the experience to be completed, this company creates a space where you move which corresponds exactly to what our eyes see.

For the experience, the visitors have to wear a virtual reality helmet and a bodice, it is useful to tracking movements within the environment, where there are a lot of infrared cameras. The project provides for a perfect match between the vision by helmet and the bodily and sensorial experience. An example is the adventure called “Secrets of the Empire”, in which the user have to infiltrate  into an imperial base and he have to shoot the Stormtrooper, inside a molten lava planet. The players are all in a small room with a screen in which there are explanations about mission and they are equipped with earphones and a VR backpack. They are always new adventures and to the extent possible.

realtà virtuale e parchi a tema

3DWA: an all Italian reality

3DWA is an amusement park in Udine, it has attractions in immersive Virtual Reality. It is structured like an airport terminal from which we can leave for some different  virtual destinations. “In 3DWA, if you get close a virtual window and you open it, you can feel draft of cold or hot air entering!”, in this way Massimiliano Soresini, creator of the park, explain what 3DWA really is. It is a really access portal  for new worlds through the Hyper and immersive Virtual Reality.

It is important to know that it is an unique park in the world in its kind, it provides all the stimulus that deceive those experiences are really true. “It’s like to be in a film where we are the protagonists”, this is really 3WDA.

The theme parks integrated with Virtual Reality’s tools are numerous all over the world, it is a method to enrich visitors’ experience, so they can get out of reality, at least for a while.

realtà virtuale e parchi a tema

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Negli ultimi dieci anni l’applicazione della realtà aumentata ha esteso il suo raggio d’azione anche nel campo della psicologia e della psicoterapia.
Questa tecnologia è stata impiegata nel trattamento di diversi disturbi, come ad esempio le fobie, i disturbi correlati allo stress, la depressione, i disturbi alimentari e il dolore cronico.
L’importanza della Realtà Aumentata nel campo della salute mentale è ancorato a tre concetti principali:

  • L’AR è una tecnologia immaginativa: le persone possono sentirsi “come se” in una realtà che non esiste nel mondo esterno.
  • L’AR è una tecnologia incarnata: si vive l’esperienza di sentire il proprio corpo all’interno di un ambiente virtuale.
  • L’AR è una tecnologia di connettività, la fine dei confini.

Stiamo per esplorare le opportunità fornite dalla Realtà Aumentata come una tecnologia volta a migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone.