Augmented Reality in music: experciencing a new world!

AR Market is trying to model a future where Augmented Reality is used in all aspects of every day life. Therefore, not only implemented in the professional world or for the ordinary commissions, but also during the free time.

And how do usually people spend their with? There exist many hobbies, from sport to reading, from television to manual activities. But surely music is among the most common and also in this context Augmented Reality has found its way.

augmented reality in music


By using the right balance between creativity and innovation, Augmented Reality can be applied in any context and environment and music does not make an exception. Following, few ways of how the future could combine music and Augmented Reality.

Concerts, Festival and albums

All music aficionados cannot stand to participate to live concerts, especially when their favourite artists are performing. But with the diffusion of smartphones and of their high resolution cameras, the audience cannot help to take at least one picture or a video. Such behaviour is the reason why people complain about technology as the main obstacle to completely enjoy the experience.

But what if the phone was the only mean to see the musicians?

It is not unrealistic that it will happen in the next future. Sony, for example, used Augmented Reality in the last advertising campaign of its new headphones. The public was invited to wear the headphones of the well-known brand and point their phones at a poster. This allowed to participate at the musical performance of some musicians.

Some artists, among which Lania, used Augmented Reality to create dynamic and amusing videoclips with the purpose of advertising their coming album.

But Augmented Reality could be also used directly into the videoclips, giving the chance to the viewers participate themselves in the performance. Or, they could simply create comprehensive and unforgettable experiences. Image to be watching a YouTube video and then have Beyonce dancing in your own room.

augmented reality in music


Quite immediate is also using Augmented Reality to teach music. This could, first of all, find economic advantages given that people would not be moving from one place to another or required the physical presence of a teacher in your house.

Secondly, self-taught students learn better than staring at the computer display. Very often is hard to tell how music tutorials place their hands on the guitar or which body position is best to play a wind instrument. Augmented Reality has the potential to erase these shortcomings and, maybe, there will be more artists in the next generations.

augmented reality in music


Music is often used for marketing. Some use the most popular songs of the moment and others try to create catchy melodies that sometimes we still sing after years. If combined to other modern technologies, such as Augmented Reality, surprising the audience becomes a quite easy task.

Häagen-Dazs, famous US ice-cream brand, has recently used the Augmented Reality for inviting the consumers to temper their ice-cream, in other words to soften it, in order to give to reach the ideal consistency. But, who does really wait 2 minutes before having their ice-cream when you are dying to eat it or you fell very hot?

Consequentially, Häagen-Dazs offered a two-minute length “Timer Concert” in Augmented Reality that can be viewed from any carton of their brand. In conclusion, consumers can enjoy a semi-live classical concert and then a premium ice-cream that has been perfectly softened.

augmented reality in music


Beyond everything, the most important aspect when offering a product is the customer’s experience. It has to be of the highest quality and possibly at an affordable price.

Spotify, for example, has developed a playlist where billions of drafters from all over the world participate actively to give extra information to the premium clients. Thanks to this, Aerosmith’s fans came to know that Diane Warren found inspiration for the great hit “I Don’t want To Miss A Thing” after hearing about an interview with James Brolin. In that occasion, he said that when his wife Barbra Streisand was away, he missed her even when he was sleeping.

The Augmented Reality integration has great success, allowing the listeners to access not only to the lyrics of the songs, but also to their deepest meaning.